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Prayer Requests

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"Rejoice evermore.  Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

I Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, I come to you with thanksgiving in my heart for your great love, grace, and mercy. Please forgive me my trespasses either in word, thought, and deed and those who trespass against me. I thank you for my safe travels so far. Father God, I am uplifting this prayer on behalf of all who are in need of healing grace, financial blessings, spiritual and physical strength, traveling grace, help for the homeless, wisdom for leaders, time for those who know not your Word, and time for those who have fallen away and continue to provide us with the things we stand in need of at this time. Thank you for Jesus who died for the sins of the world so that we have forgiveness of our sins and the opportunity to be reconciled back to you, Father God. Father God to you belong the glory! In Jesus' name, amen.


Sis. Jenny: Please pray with me for amends, and peace in Christ.


Sis. Keishira: God bless you, church. I just want to say thank you for all the love, support, and prayers from everyone in my church family. You mean so much to me and I appreciate every single one of you. I am truly blessed. it’s been some hard times, but I know, with God, all things can be done. Please continue church fam to pray for me and my children. It’s still a trying time and I will continue to pray for every single one of you as well. Love always, Sis Keishira

Bro. Charles Coleman: Please pray for our friend Dave Ramirez from Hendersonville, NC and all his neighbors as they try to recover from the damage of the recent flooding caused by hurricane Helene.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, thank you for being our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble.Thank you for your great love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace. Forgive my sins so that my prayer will not hindered. I humbly approach your throne of grace requesting your help, Father, for those who are in need of healing, financial blessings, traveling grace, peace and comfort for the bereaved, wisdom for all leaders, help for the homeless, protection for our families, and time for those who know not your Word, and time for those who have fallen away. I ask for your blessings for us all that we continue to live our lives as your Son has left us the example of love, humility, and how to be a servant. May our light shine so that others may see Christ in us. In Jesus' name amen.


Bro. Tom Eucharos: Pray against hypocrisy in society, the sabotaged relationships, the misuse of trust, the selling out of morales for vices, the family strains, broken marriages, and unforgiveness. I see too much in those I know.


Sis. Marsha Robinson: “This is the day which the Lord hath made: we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalms 118:24. I just want to give praises to God for all that he does and continues to do. I love my Christian Family here at Griffin Drive! Please pray with me for Sis. Ruth Lincoln, Sis. Ebon'e Wiley, Sis. Wendy Wilson, Sis. Linnie Porter, Sis. Traci Pressley, Sis Brenda Palmer, Sis. Joyce Coleman, and Sis Beulah Jackson for God to continue to heal their bodies. Also, keep Bro. Mitchell Henry in your prayers while Sis Alice is on a much-needed vacation. Praying for God's peace to rest upon Sis. Kieshira and her family for the loss of her grandmother. Lastly, I continue to ask prayers for my husband's recovery and my family. In Christian Love, Sis. Marsha


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, I come to you with thanksgiving in my heart for your great love and grace and mercy. Please forgive me my trespasses either in word, thought, and deed and those who trespass against me. I thank you for my safe travels so far. Father God, I am uplifting this prayer on behalf of all who are in need of healing grace, financial blessings, spiritual and physical strength, traveling grace, help for the homeless, wisdom for leaders, time for those who know not your Word and time for those who have fallen away, and continue to provide us with the things we stand in need of at this time. Thank you for Jesus who died for the sins of the world so that we have forgiveness of our sins and the opportunity to be reconciled back to you, Father God. Father God, to you, belong the glory! In Jesus' name, amen.


Sis. Alice Henry: Thank you, Father God, for your grace and mercy, your love and forgiveness, and your faithfulness. Forgive my trespasses and those who trespass against me. Thank you for allowing me to see another day that was not promised. Father God, I am requesting traveling grace for myself both to and from my destination and for all who will be traveling. I am asking a special prayer of healing for all my brothers and sisters that are in need at this time of your healing grace, please touch their infirmities as only you can, provide your peace and comfort for the bereaved families, wisdom for our leaders both spiritual and physical, financial blessings, help for the homeless and Father God because you know all help each individual with what they stand in need of at this time. Thank you for your Son Jesus Christ who died in order for us to be reconciled to you. To You, Father God belongs all the glory forever. In Jesus' name amen.


Sis. Wendy Wilson: Please pray for me. My consultation with a pulmonary specialist has given me a preliminary diagnosis of COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I have additional tests this month and a consultation in October with the results. Please keep me in your prayers, that I get stronger and stop being so winded accomplishing normal daily activities. Thank you very much. Much Love Sis Wendy


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, I approach your throne of grace with thanksgiving. Please forgive my trespasses and those who trespass against me so that my request will not be hindered. Thank you, Father God, for the opportunity to be able to ask for prayer at any time. It is truly a blessing. I request prayer for my sister, Barbara who is traveling back home today, please protect her, and thank you for returning the Coleman family back home safely to us. My request includes healing grace for all who are in need, peace and comfort for the bereaved, help for the homeless, abused, those who are suffering from mental illness and depression, financial blessings, and all other things we stand in need of at this time. Grant wisdom to our leaders, both spiritual and world. Thank you for sending us Jesus who is our living hope, our Savior, and our example of how we should live so that others may see Christ in us. Thank you Father God for your great love for us. In Jesus name, amen.


Bro. Charles Coleman: Church, please pray for my friend, Gabe Herrera, and his wife Deb as they go through cancer treatment for Gabe.


Sis. Alice Henry: All glory to you, Father God! Please forgive my trespasses whether in thought, word, or deed so that this prayer will not be hindered. Thank you for being a God of love, compassion, mercy, and grace. Thank you for Jesus who died to reconcile us back to you. Father God, I am asking for peace, comfort, and strength for the bereaved and healing for us all whether physical, mental, or spiritual, and grant us all the wisdom to be able to follow your will for us without addition or subtraction. May we let our light shine in this dark world. In Jesus' name amen.


Sis. Kieshira: Hello church, I hope all is well. I just want to let you know I miss all of you so much. I’ve been traveling for a new home and it’s been tough and I need your constant prayers.. Please pray for me and my boys. We have been having some really hard struggles without saying too much but your prayers to give us aid against the enemy will do wonders because we have been up against a lot. Thank you we love you and I hope to return and see you again soon🙏🏽


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, to you belong the glory! Praising you, Father God, for healing baby Malakai who has been released from the hospital and is now at home with his parents. Thank you, Father God, for answering our prayers. Please forgive my sins so that this prayer will not be hindered. Father God, my prayer request is for all in need of healing grace, traveling grace, financial blessings, comfort and peace for the bereaved, and help for the homeless, abused, and those who are affected by natural disasters. Prayers for our children who are returning to school, wisdom for our leaders, spiritual strength for us all, time for those who have fallen away, and those who know not your Word. Thank you, Father God, for your great love. Thank you for Jesus who died for our sins. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.


Sis. Victoria: Pray for me, my heart is heavy, and dealing with betrayal from people I thought loved me. Forgiveness is in my heart but so is pain.


Sis. Wendy Williams: Please pray for Sister Debra Paige. She hasn't felt well lately. She plans to visit her doctor soon.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, thank you for another day that you have blessed me with new mercies, your steadfast love, and your faithfulness. My prayer to you, Father God, being an all-knowing God, is for each individual in my heart healing, peace, comfort, and strength for the bereaved, traveling grace both to and back home safely, protection for our children returning to school, strength for our new converts, wisdom for all leaders, and strength and patience for caregivers. Please, Father God, allow time for those who know you not and those who have fallen away to return, bless the homeless, help those in natural disasters, and bind us together with love. I ask these things according to your will. Forgive my trespasses so that my prayer will not be hindered. Thank you for your great gift, Jesus Christ, who died so that we could be reconciled back to you. To You, Father God belong the glory! In Jesus' name, amen.


Sis.Wendy Wilson: Please keep Sister Jackson in our prayers; that her care givers treat her with kindness and compassion. Please pray that Sister Jackson will be content where she is and that Lord willing, she does not suffer. Also, please keep Sister Pat Williams in our prayers as she visits and watches over the care of her Mom. Pray that Pat continues to be strong, and trust that the Lord's will is being done for Sister Jackson.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, thank you for the blessing of another day of life. Forgive me, Father God, for my transgressions so that my request will be heard and answered according to your will. My prayer today is especially for baby Malakai for healing, Sisters Brenda Palmer, Linda Imrie, Ebone Wiley, Lottie Fleming, and Joyce Coleman, and Brothers Jackie Robinson, Cecil Terrell, and Bill Fleming for healing and strength, and Brother Ron Palmer for strength and patience as he is a caregiver for his wife. Please, Father God, bring comfort, peace, and strength for all of our bereaved, financial blessings, traveling grace, help for the homeless and abused, strength for your children, and may love, forgiveness, and compassion abound in us all. Thank you, Father God, for our spiritual leaders who use your Word to guide us.Thank you for your precious Son, Jesus Christ who died for the sins of the world so that we could be reconciled back to you. In Jesus' name amen.


Sis. Marsha Robinson: Good morning, Family! I'm asking for traveling grace to Texas on Wednesday. My daddy passed away last week. I'll be attending his memorial services. Please pray for my mother, Carrie Holbert, and my siblings that God will give them his peace. Keep Bro. Jackie in your prayers (I'm doing ok). There are many brothers and sisters who are sick or going through something. Please join me in praying for them as well. May God continue to bless the leadership, teachers and members of his body at Griffin Drive and all who are a part of the Lord's body. Amen.


Sis. Alice Henry: Thank you, Father God, for your never-ending love and new mercies each day. Father, forgive me for anything I have done so this prayer will not be hindered. Father God, I approach your throne of mercy requesting prayers for those in need of your strength, comfort, and peace during their time of bereavement, our many homeless people, healing for all spiritual, physical, and mental needs of people, according to your will, time for those who know not your Word and time for those who have fallen away to return, prayers for our spiritual and physical families, wisdom for all leaders, and traveling grace. May we continue to learn and trust you, Father God. May we let our light shine in this world for all to see your goodness. May we give you all the glory, praise, and honor. Thank you for Jesus, the perfect example who died for the sins of the world so that we can be reconciled back to you. In Jesus' name, amen.


Sis. Marsha Robinson: Good morning, Brothers & Sisters. Your acts of kindness, encouragement, and prayers for Bro. Jackie are so much appreciated! Each week God blesses him toward recovery. Pray with me for those who are sick physically, mentally, and/or spiritually. Yesterday, I met Sheri Senior. She shared that her spine is deteriorating. Please add her to your prayer list. Love you, Sis. Marsha

Sis. Mandy: Please pray for complete restoration of my marriage and protection from spiritual warfare. 


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, to you belong the glory! Thanking you, Father God, for your love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, kindness, and faithfulness. Thank you for Jesus who came to earth, lived a life without sin, died on the cross, and arose from the grave so that we could be reconciled back to you. He won the victory for us so if we trust and obey, we can have eternal life. Thank you, Father God, for your great sacrifice. Please forgive me of anything that I have done in word, thought, or deed so that this prayer will not be hindered. I humbly come requesting prayers for all standing in need of healing grace, peace, and comfort for the bereaved, financial blessings, traveling grace, help for the homeless, abused, and all those affected by natural disasters. Please grant wisdom to our spiritual and physical leaders, time for those who know not your Word and those who have fallen away, protection for our families, especially our children and please grant the things that we stand in need of according to your will. Thank you, Father God, for everything that you do. In Jesus' name amen.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, I come with thanksgiving in my heart for your great love for us and for everything you do for us, your children. Forgive my sins and forgive those who trespass against me so this prayer will not be hindered. Thank you, Father God, for watching over us and protecting us. You are our refuge and strong tower. Father God, I humbly request healing grace for all, especially those who are suffering from illnesses in our congregation, traveling grace, financial blessings, spiritual and mental strength, peace, comfort, and strength for the bereaved, patience for caregivers, help for the homeless, and wisdom for all leaders who serve in every capacity. We thank you for Jesus who died for us. Help us, Father God, to show our light in this dark world so others will see Jesus in us. In Jesus' name amen.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, I come to you giving glory, praise, and honor for your great love and mercy. Thank you, Father God, for answering prayers on behalf of a young child, named Paul for a successful surgery this past week. His parents are grateful. What a God we serve. Thank you, Father God, for your new mercies each and every day. Forgive my trespasses so this prayer will not be hindered. Father God, I am asking for a special prayer for our nation that our elected officials will remember that they should be serving the people, not only their own selfish ambitions. I pray for wisdom for our leaders that everyone be treated with the same justice, equally and fairly. We recognize you are in charge, Father God, even though they do not. Please touch their hearts in a way that only you can. I ask for your mercy. Father God, I humbly come asking for healing grace, financial blessings, traveling grace, help for the homeless, time for those who know not your Word and those who have fallen away to return, bless all Churches of Christ throughout the world, grant peace and comfort for the bereaved and Father God, you know what others stand in need of at this time. Thank you for your Son Jesus. In his mighty name, amen.

Sis. Lottie Fleming: I am requesting prayer for my sister-in-law, Vicki Russell. She is critically ill and hospitalized in Kaiser, Walnut Creek. Thank you.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, thank you for being our haven of rest. Thank you for inviting us who are weary and burdened to come to you and you will give us rest. Thank you for giving us peace, not as the world knows it. Thank you for the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your great love, grace, and mercy. Father God, I pray you will bless everyone according to your will for the things that they stand in need of at this time. Healing, traveling grace, financial blessings, peace and comfort from bereavement, wisdom, patience, help for the homeless, protection for our families, growth for new converts, time for those who know not your Word and for those who have fallen away, and the things that only you know Father God. Please forgive my sins so that this prayer will not be hindered. Thank you, Father God, for your Son Jesus, our Savior. In Jesus' name, amen.


Bro. Mathew Clark: Church, please pray for me.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, to you belong the glory! Approaching your throne of grace and mercy with thanksgiving for your never-ending mercies that are new every morning. Your faithfulness is great towards us. Forgive me of any trespasses either in word, thought, or deed. Forgive those who trespass against me, so this request will be heard. Father God, my request is for all in need of healing grace, spiritual strength, traveling grace, financial blessings, wisdom for all leaders, peace, and comfort for the bereaved, growth for our new converts, time for those who know not your Word and those who have fallen away, protection for our families, especially our children, the homeless, those affected by natural disasters, and patience for caregivers. May we continue to live with love in our hearts and gratitude for your great love for us. May our light shine so that others may see Christ in us. Thank you for Jesus who died to reconcile us back to you. In Jesus' name amen.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, to you belong all glory, honor, and praise! Please forgive my sins and forgive those who sin against me so my request will be heard. Today, I request prayers for all who are in need of healing grace, financial blessings, spiritual and mental strength, peace and comfort from bereavement, traveling grace, protection and safety for our families, wisdom for our leaders, and help for the homeless and those affected by natural disasters. Thank Father God for your new mercies each and every day. Thank you for your Son, Jesus who died so we may have eternal life. In Jesus' name amen.


Bro. Charles Coleman: I request our congregation to pray for my friend, Gabe Herrera as he deals with his cancer diagnosis. Please pray for Gabe and his wife Deb as they go through this trying time.

Sis. Linnie Porter: I would like the Church to continue praying for my brother, Willie who was in the hospital then sent to physical therapy, and is now back in the hospital. Also, please pray for my sister, Sister Ida Reddrick who is also now in the hospital. I love and miss you all. May God bless each of us. Sis. Linnie


Sis. Wendy Wilson: Thank you for your prayers on behalf of me and my granddaughter's travels. We had a wonderful time. I truly enjoyed God's beautiful Bahamas! I'm asking for your continued prayers on my behalf. My doctor sent me to emergency because I have trouble breathing. I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I'm home and taking antibiotics for 7 days. Please pray, Lord willing, I will have a complete and speedy recovery. Thank-you. Sis Wendy

Sis. Alice Henry: All glory, praise, and honor to you, Father God! Thank you, Father God, for your love, grace, and new mercies each day. Thank you, Father God, for your Son, Jesus, our example of how we should live. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that dwells within our temple. May we learn to love one another and share the gospel with all as we have been commanded to do. Father God, please provide peace and comfort for the bereaved, financial blessings to those in need, traveling grace for those who are traveling, wisdom for our leaders, help for the homeless, abused, and those who are being trafficked, healing grace for the sick, and time for those who know not your Word and those who have fallen away. Father God, please provide the things that many stand in need of at this time, according to your will. Forgive my sins and those who sin against me. In Jesus' name amen


Sis. Paulette Terrell: Brother and Sister Terrell would like to thank all for your cards and prayers. We ask that you please continue to remember us and our daughter Brittney and Kaiden her son in your prayers. We pray that we will be able to fellowship with the congregation soon. Until then please keep praying for the Terrell family. Thanks to all.


Sis. Janice Stallworth: Good morning church. I’m requesting prayer for my Goddaughter, Tiara Rigmaiden. She had a stroke and has a brain bleed. Tiara has sickle cell anemia and this has been a struggle. I ask you please keep her in your daily prayers and keep the family in prayer also. Please pray for my family both of my kids are in need of prayer as they go through everyday life. Pray for me as well. Sometimes life gets challenging.


Sis. Marsha Robinson: To My Church Family and those whom I do not know but have been praying for Bro. Jackie's recovery, I wanted to give praises to God for y'all. The prayers of the righteous do availeth much! Bro. Jackie has made much progress. I've never been so thankful to hear his voice, see him feed himself, and breathe on his own. He still has a long recovery before him. He wanted me to say, "Thank you!" on his behalf. You are a blessing to him and our family. May God continue to bless you as you bless others. LOVE YA, Sis Marsha

Sis Alice Henry: Father God, to you belong the glory! Thanking you, Father God, for your love, mercy, and grace. Without you, we are nothing, but with you, we stand worthy of everything you desire in your heart for us to be. Even though we sin, you have provided us with repentance that reconciles us back to you. Forgive me, Father, of my sins, and forgive those who sin against me. I approach you Father God asking for your healing grace for the sick, traveling grace, financial blessings, spiritual and mental strength, comfort, peace and strength for the bereaved, wisdom for us all, including leaders, new converts, and all in the body of Christ, time for those who have fallen away and time for those who know not your Word and help for the homeless and abused. Thank you for your Son Jesus who died for our sins and who sits on your right-hand side. We praise you and in Jesus' name amen.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God to you belong the glory forever. Father, I come to you humbly today to request prayer on behalf of the following people. I am requesting a special prayer for Sister Betty Carbin and Sister Martha Stokes for the recent losses of loved ones; for peace, comfort, and strength, and for everyone who has experienced loss within our congregation. Also, I am requesting prayers for all in need of healing grace, financial blessings, spiritual strength, traveling grace, protection for our families, wisdom for our leaders, growth for our new converts and for those of us who are more seasoned, patience, help for the homeless, abused, and for all those who are suffering from natural disasters. May we continue to be bound together in love and let our light shine in this dark world. Thank you for Jesus, our example. Please forgive me, Father God, of my sin and those who sin against me so that my request will be granted according to your will. In Jesus' name amen.


Sis. Keishira McCarver: Please, church, continue to Pray for me and my family. We really need your Prayers right now as I continue to pray for all of you. 🙏🏽 Thank you.


Sis. Wendy Wilson: Please pray that God will give my granddaughter, Brandy White and I safe travels flying to and from the Bahamas. Also, please pray that God will protect us from all harm while on vacation. I'm a bit nervous as we've never been out of the USA, Please pray that I can relax and enjoy the blessing. Thank you so much...Sis Wendy
Bro. Phil Chavez: Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine. Pray for the removal of debt, financial blessings, and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and a long life for my Uncle Seve and Aunt Jackie, and Pray for salvation, healing, and a long life for my mom's boyfriend, Joe who has cancer. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. Please pray GOD blesses me with a life partner real soon. I've been praying for a life partner for 29 years. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen.  Please pray that we find peace in our interactions with Lisa. 


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, to you belong the glory! Thank you for your immeasurable love, grace, and mercy. Thank you for forgiveness of sin and at this time I ask for your forgiveness for the things that I have done contrary to your will. Also, I ask forgiveness for those who sin against me. Thank you, Father. Please grant the bereaved peace, comfort, and strength, especially those of the household of faith. A special prayer for Brother Jackie Robinson for healing grace and for the many others among us who are in need of healing too. Patience and strength for all spiritual leaders as they work to instruct, encourage, and do your will leading your flock. Thank you, Father God, for Jesus who died for our sins and left us the example of how we should live. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.


Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, to you belong all the glory, honor, and praise! I approach your throne of grace and mercy with thanksgiving in my heart for your blessings that you give and your new mercies and your faithfulness each and every morning. Thank you for your Son, Jesus who died for us so that we could be reconciled back to you. Please forgive my sins and those who trespass against me so this prayer will be heard and answered according to your will. My prayer is for all in need of your healing grace, peace, comfort, and strength for the bereaved, financial blessings for those in need, traveling grace, protection and safety for our families, patience and strength for caregivers, wisdom for leaders, guidance for new converts and grant us the things that we stand in need of at this time in all areas as you see fit for you know what is best for us. Strengthen every congregation that bears the name of Christ. Thank you again Father God for love. In Jesus' name amen


Sis. Brenda Palmer: Good morning, brothers and sisters. I’d like to request prayer for Miguel Jones's family. He passed away this weekend. He was a member of Bay North Church of Christ and I also would like to ask prayers for the Jones family, Nathaniel Jones is the father of the Jones family and he’s on life-support; they just need a lot of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon me and my family. I pray that you comfort the families that are in bereavement and just continue to bless the whole congregation in Jesus' name. I ask these things amen.

Sis. Alice Henry: Father God, to you belong all glory, honor, and praise! Please forgive my trespasses and those who trespass against me so that my prayer request will be heard. I am requesting your grace and mercy for the many in our congregation who are bereaved and are in need of your healing. You know all of their names, Father God, so I rely on you to answer this request according to your will. May we all uplift our brothers and sisters for the things that they stand in need of at this time. I ask your blessings upon the homeless, the abused, those suffering from natural disasters and war, our families for protection from hurt, harm, or danger, wisdom for all leaders, and for all of us to grow in the truth of your Word. May we let our light shine as Jesus instructed us to so that others may see that salvation lies in no one else. Teach us Lord to wait until you answer our requests in your time and in your own way. In Jesus' name amen

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